It has certainly been a long while since the last Randomania. Let's start with some of the food we have enjoyed at home...
Today's lunch: Pie's steamed fish and Cake's Chinese vegetables
Last week's dinner: Chicken salsa field mushrooms. Should have added a bit more salt.
Bibimbab and tofu
More bibimbab Cake's kaitoon
Pie making some choc chip cookies
A nice day by the river bank and the site for our new apartment... Can't wait til it's finished
How random
Kenny likes it
Cake had been telling us about this Hawthorn Sunday market so we decided to check it out...
We walked in and it turned out to be a granny fair. Hehe... How cakey!
Then we came out and saw this weird looking graffiti on the wall.. took me a while to figure out what it was.
Sean showed me this wall sculpture by his apartment a few weeks ago. Thought it was pretty cool.
39 wolves
Got bored while I was studying for my last exam and had the camera with me so decided to take some pictures...
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One of my favourite projects of cake's
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I got to use this public toilet cubicle a few weeks back. It was pretty cool and hi-tech but I found it quite funny how the sign said the door would open after 10 minutes. Just couldn't help imagining a guy with an upset stomach sitting on the toilet and the door springing open.
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I know manufacturers are obligated to providing such info but this one is a bit obvious, no?
I was writing an email on this computer at uni until I came to a stop as I couldn't find the comma. And then I realised what the problem was...
How peculiar
I think we were walking down brunswick street when we saw this little guy waiting for his master.
Patiently waiting
I don't think I have posted this picture of Popo before. Such a poser cat. He knows he's handsome.
Bella sandwich
We went for these healthy burgers on bridge road. Very yummy. Have to go again soon.
Food... Happy.
I came out yesterday morning to find this moth having left some kids on my shirt. As flattered as I was... I had to let them all go.
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Finally, I came home last night to see this in the empty pond outside my building. Somebody was romantic enough to give up so many tomatoes.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Although a lot less frequent, my left eyelid is still twitching. I'm really not sure what got it started.
So I have finished uni. No more studying. Might sound a little weird but I actually felt quite sad after the last class I had... after nearly 5 years of going to uni. I guess I should feel more light and carefree but I don't really. There's quite a lot I have to sort out and think about what's gonna happen next in my life. May be I think too much but they're big decisions and I don't wanna be making choices I'll regret later on down the track. One good thing though, is I now have more time with my sisters.
And I miss home...
Monday, October 22, 2007
My left eyelid has been twitching for the past five days... I wonder if it means anything.
Monday, October 08, 2007
I don't think I have been this stressed in a while. Most of it is attributable to all the work I have at the moment I guess. Throughout the past 5 years of studying, I don't think I've had this much pressure on the amount of work I have to get done. Why have they all got to be so big and due in at the same time?? I have also been missing my parents, Mali, and Bangkok in general more and more. Nevermind.. I'm sure things will get better after the next 2 weeks...
So it's finally much needed mid-semester break and I thought I'd take this opportunity to spend a bit of time with my sisters since I must say I've been really busy with school, work and training this semester. So far, we've taken trips to the Royal Melbourne Show 2007 and Melbourne Zoo. The latter probably sounds a little too childish a place for us but what can we do, we love looking at animals. Let's start with some pix from the Melbourne show...
Cake wanted to check out the 'Art&Craft' hall. It was a big hall with all the grandma stuff with a lot of grandmas walking around. Stuff like paintings, baked desserts, scarfs, and other things grandmas do to pass time at home. But some of the things they had on display were quite amazing like these cakes...
I like that lil snoopy in the window to the left
Tororo Tororo
I thought this one was truly amazing
But I didn't really get this. They all looked the same. I guess they were rated from delicious to shit.
There were all these rides you'd expect at a fair. We felt a bit too old for them and didn't go on any but watched all the kids have fun.
Distracted by the little boy in the bee suit
And of course all these funny looking prizes...
Ding ding paw paw
We particularly liked the cats and dogs they had on show.
Super affectionate ragdoll
Another sleepyhead
This is a cat
This one looked so bored
You can say most of them were bored and sleepy.
All in all, it was quite a nice sunny day out
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Having seen all the cats and dogs from the show got us in the mood for seeing more animals so we visited the zoo a day later. The forecast said it was gonna be 21c on the day but it felt nothing like it, which sucked. Didn't stop us from having fun tho.
The girls snacking on some home-made sushi
This snow leopard was gorgeous. One of my favourites.
Japanese garden
Tree kangaroos... quite strange
Gorilla spotting
This gorilla was magically pulling out of nowhere his never ending supply of vegetables. Was very funny to watch.
The butterfly room was pretty cool
Pie was a bit squirmish with all the flying caterpillars
Entrance to the Thai elephants
Poor elephant
A bit of Thai food area
Lunch break
I've never had anything saltier than this chicken teriyaki
On to the reptiles...
mm.. forgot what snake this was but the way it sleeps is pretty cool
An uncircumcised water turtle
A chameleon, one of the coolest creatures in my opinion... definitely far superior to geckos.
A baby Jabba
Gob lek
We ended up spending 6 hours at the zoo. Despite a bit of drizzle, we had a good day.