The fourth day was the Christmas day. Everything was shut on Christmas day. EVERYTHING! I guess I hadn't expected it to be like that, seeing this was the first time I spent Christmas out of Bangkok and Christmas in Bangkok is very happening... esp. on the shopping side of things. Anyways, so we went to this beach instead and dad got to use a parking ticket machine for the first time. I think he got to have a bit of his fun.

The beach was alright but it was a lil windy so we didn't really get to hang out long. Plus we got hungry. So we went looking for a place to eat... But everything was shut. Except this nice looking restaurant but it was all booked out. Then we went to the next suburb... and then the next. Nothing was open. We decided to drive back towards the city. Uni was on the way so I thought we could stop and see if any of the restaurants was open and so I could show my parents around uni and where I work. Everything was shut. EVERYTHING... except 7/11.
By the time, we were quite desperate. The 7/11 looked like a five star restaurant to us by then. We managed to get hold of some sandwiches and soup-in-a-cup for lunch. Look how happy we were...

After lunch on the lawn, I showed mom and dad around uni. It was nice I finally got to do so. After like... nearly 5 years. Dad produced some cool photos of the buildings I was so familiar with. Pretty cool seeing them differently through the camera lens.
The rest of the afternoon and since everything was shut, we decided to spend some nice sunny time at the Docklands. That was some of my favourite time off the whole trip I think. Some of the best photos that came out were also of that evening. Check...

Having seen my uni, it was time Cake and pie showed mom and dad around theirs, Melbounre Uni. It was still holiday so the whole place was shut. It was nice in a way, being empty and all. It was also a good opportunity to pay a visit to the ATM that ate my card 3 years ago. Forgive but never forget.

Too lazy to explain the rest of the day. But it looked something like this...

The next morning I woke up to see the most beautiful sky I had seen in a long time. Then I noticed the sky was dotted with some hot air balloons. Some had only taken off not far from our apartment. Very nice to start a day off with a nice morning.
That day we went to Werribee zoo. Woohoo! But we barely saw any animals. I don't know where they all went. I guess that's the problem with them open zoos sometimes. I remember seeing a camel, some zebras, rhinos, a few birds (they weren't even working at the zoo), and plenty of flies. FLIES!!! Annoying summer flies.
At the zoo, I noticed the zebras had some voluptuous asses. So ample and white. I remember having thought about this before but had forgotten how nice zebra asses were until I saw them again that day. Anyways, I'm just saying.
But it got me started taking pictures of some human asses. Probably because there weren't that many animals to see and the ones that were there weren't even doing anything interesting.

The eighth day we went shopping at Brunswick street. Dad went off to check out some pretty cool graffiti around the area.

Ok. I'm sleepy. Stay tuned for the third and final installment. Thanks for looking!
By the way, did you know zebras were the second species to branch off from the most primitive form of horses, just after the asses?