With the intensity of the fire of this year's bush fire season, I got total respect for all the firefighters, who have been out there on the front lines, fighting inferno since last week. There had been a lot of coverage on the news, but as another city dweller, I kinda took it for granted how serious the matter can be for people, who are directly affected. That's until I woke up a few days ago and the sky was dark with all the fire smoke that the wind had carried into the city. Cake, Pie and I then could make sense of the mysterious burning smell we had experienced the night before.
Today seems worse than yesterday. The burning mist seems denser with stronger burning scent and the sky doesn't look too happy. It didn't help that the last weekend was one of the hottest and dryest weekends with strong wind to make the fire spread even more rapidly. Well, I do certainly hope the situation gets better, and that the firefighters get their very much deserved rest soon. Meanwhile, Go Go firefighters!!
What it looks like from our balcony
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