And pictures speak way louder than words. So here goes...

In front of Kai's house, ready to roll.

Kai decided it was a good idea we kept track of our toll collectors

First stop: Kaiping enjoying his 'Khao Mun Gai' at the motorway service pit. We chilled there for a bit before hopping back in the car and got back on the road.

On the way Kai spotted this racing circuit. We stopped to have a look and thought we could have a few laps in the go-karts but it turned out it was an open circuit and that people brought their own karts. So we just stood and watched them race. Nice place tho. The track was surrounded by these smalls hills, with a pretty good view of the track from the top.

After a few more kilometres closer to Rayong, we made another stop as we spotted a 'Gai Yang' (bbq chicken) stall by the roadside. I got into a conversation with the chicken seller and had a bit of an insight on what life's like selling chicken on the side of a highway.

The final stop we made before getting into Rayong was at Big C, where Kai decided he wanted to have his sight checked. I think he just wanted new glasses.

After getting into Rayong itself, we spent a couple hours driving around different beaches looking for a good place to stay in. In the end, we found this beach front condotel that was really worth the 600 baht a night, with aircon/hot water/fridge/UBC/a huge balcony and a breakfast. Awesome!

It was already around 4pm when we finally got settled at the condotel and we didn't wanna miss out on some beach chilling so we went down for some beer Chang and some light snacks. Since it was Sunday, the beach was pretty much empty, which was nice. We ordered some 'Somtum' (or papaya pok pok as Kai calls it), but forgot to tell them to take it easy on the chillies so yea.. we nearly died finishing it. But that's what makes eating Somtum fun, I guess. Kai's trick was to eat it all without stopping and go wash your mouth in the sea, which actually helped. A lil odd but a good technique. Only works at the beach, of course.

This was our breakfast the next morning; an all you can eat buffet. A pretty big phrase for a 600 baht a night accomodation. hehe. The cooking was actually pretty good. Mmm I love hotel breakfast.

After breakfast, we were back on the beach and was joined by this lil fella, who wanted to play but always moved away when we got close. There were some real fine eye candies on the beach this morning. They were of premium quality, I must say. You can try zooming but I don't think it would be much help. hehehe.

Kaiping in water

Hehe this was pretty cool. On the beach was this small fisherman's village, where small fishing boats would come in every few minutes. Then we spotted who we believed was Batman on one of the boats coming in. I must admit it looked pretty cool.

After the beach, we decided it was time to visit the hotel pool. We wanted to reminisce on our days in the school swimming team but we could only swim so much in what must have been a 15m pool. Still, it seemed a very clean and well maintained pool. Plus the sun was out and the temperature was perfect. The building behind us on the right was the building we were staying in.

Well, we only spent like half an hour at the swimming pool and then it was time to head out to Koh Samed. After only 15 mins on a speedboat, we were on the island. First thing we did was got a place we could sit and have some Somtum and Gai Yang (as seen in the pic). Mmmmm that was a damned good meal.

Compared to the beaches in Rayong, there was a lot more going on on Koh Samed, which was fun but I think we also enjoyed the peace and quiet we had on the main land. Again, eye candies galore here.

As we were strolling the beach (and 'yogging' at times), we came across this guy who I believe was a local, sculpting this sand elephant. Behind us at the time this picture was taken was also a life-sized convertable vehicle he had also sculpted out of the sand. We wanted to sit in it but Kai was too heavy.

After a few hours on the island, we got on a boat to head back into Rayong. Kai decided it would be more fun we climbed up onto the roof of the boat. So that's where we spent our half hour cruise. He was right, it was fun up there.

Kaiping trying to make himself useful

And was thinking about becoming a Thai politician

Time was passing quick once we were back in Rayong. We decided to drive over to this place called Rayong Resort to take some pictures since it was situated in the mountains, and the roads up there had spots we could stop for some scenery appreciation. We also thought it'd be nice for the car we took a picture with it after some long hours of driving it around.

And it was time we drove out of Rayong. It was a nice drive out of the town with Kai rapping to his music next to me. Our next destination for the night was Pattaya, but that's another story altogether.

Good trip, bro. I know it'll be a while til we meet next but we should definitely do this again. Til then....

we keep grinning.
Those are awesome pics, you must have had a great time. What are you up to now?
yea it was pretty awesome being on Koh Samed. I'm just in Bangkok now doing whatever there is to do. So you're not back this holiday huh?
Awww those pictures are amazing, so nice to see buddies hang out together and have so much fun. And food. Dammit I miss that food.
these are some great pics, making me jealous. i really need to do something like that after that honours year.
we were talking about, if we were ever to go back to thailand, it would be like a big road trip, with little planning involved. i think it'd be so much more enjoyable.
when you coming back anyways?
Awesome Jet. Car looks good too...and the food looks great. Makes me hungry. Better than No.36 @ Derby I'll bet!
Hahaha no.36 derby road. Hell yea food was way better than what they serve there. I miss the old times tho haha.
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