Thursday, March 15, 2007

Face Transformer

Nabil sent me this pretty cool website to play around with the other day. Have you ever wondered what you'd look like if you were of the opposite sex or of a different race?.. or if you were a caveman or an apeman? Well, thanks to University of St. Andrews' School of Psychology's Perception Lab, you don't have to wonder no more. Here are some of the different versions of me.

As a Caucasian

5 year old Jet

As a female

Grandpa Jet

Ghetto Jet

Manga Jet

Jet the Apeman

Might have worked better without my glasses on. But I couldn't be bothered taking new pix. A fun website tho. Have a go with your own pictures and see how they turn out. Have fun!!


Nabil Latif said...

u should post fats' picture haha. im not sure if she'll appreciate it though.

Anonymous said...

i think the best picture you have here is the caucasian face, 'cause after transformation the picture looked real. you can see from my transformed pictures (also mum's) the lines of facial contour are messy.
my childhood picture is looked like 'chubby' the movies. l had fun with this play kit in pattaya. thanks nabil.

maya said...

i would personally go for 'apeman jet' - looks hot baby!