But Mr. Popo and Ms. Bella get rather jittery at times. The sound of the door bell makes them jump. And at night they would come and scratch on our bedroom doors, asking to enter. But in their own naturally adorable way. Here is what they look like...

I don't think I've ever met cats this well behaved and so affectionate, especailly Popo. He always does this soft purr that makes him sound like a pigeon. Hehe. And is always ready to give you a soft peck on the cheek.
Bella has a funny habit of pushing doors open with her paw and squeezing into small spaces. They are also probably the only cats I know that have their own friendster accounts. Anyways, more pictures...
Bella has a funny habit of pushing doors open with her paw and squeezing into small spaces. They are also probably the only cats I know that have their own friendster accounts. Anyways, more pictures...
TOO CUTE!!! You're so lucky to be cat-sitting for such sweet kittens. Can they come to my house too?? Great photos, especially the last one!
P.S. glad to hear your tongue is healing!!
It's a lil worrying to be looking after cats who seem to be smarter than our own dog. Haha. Bella sometimes feeds herself using her paw. And Popo never fails to greet me everytime I get back from outside. You're right... Too cute!
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both Mr. and Ms. make me comparing to our own cat. especially he called you by scratching the door. cute !
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