Monday, August 06, 2007

Today, a lady at the newsagent made a comment about my name I thought was pretty funny. I was there to buy my train ticket and when I was paying for it, the lady was just starring at my debit card like she was trying to figure out something. Before I could ask what the matter was... She looked up at me and said 'It must have been hard for you as a child every time you had to spell your name in school'.

I never thought of it like that before. As kids, we didn't even realise our names were unusually long for international standard. Most of the times we had to write them out in Thai anyways. But now that I think about it... some of the comments I most often get from friends and strangers are to do with the length of my name and almost every time, I'm asked to pronounce it out for them so they can repeat, which always seem entertaining to them.

Anyways, just something random I was thinking about today.


Anonymous said...

i know sometimes people pronounce your name as 'jetafol' and 'jetapaul' hehe !

Subliminal Transmission said...

Hehe and I know most farangs pronounce your name with an emphasis on the second syllable like 'Je-saaaaa-da'

Nabil Latif said...

yah i always thought my name was normal too until high school i realised how weird other people see it