And it's time for another Randomania, where everything has nothing to do with anything. And bookoo pictures is always fun. So without further ado...

Woohoo!! Another Space Invader spotted.

Location: Meyers Places, Melbourne
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A tram derailed in the city the other day. No idea how that happened.

The tram from another angle with a lot of onlookers.
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There have been a number of protests lately, within the city of Melbourne and that has been getting on my nerves a little. Roads and trams were blocked so getting places was a bit of a hassle.

People waited ages for trams as tractors strolled at the speed of a snail.

Well, it was a change to see some farm tractors roaming the city.
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Where my eyes are when I daydream at home.
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My new toys

Pieces of the Kaleesh and the Jedi Master

General Grievous and Master Yoda about to get it on
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Can't decide how I should do my laces. Which should I keep? And yea, I'm still wearing my BPS PE shorts.
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The best chicken rice I've had must be from Montien Hotel in Bangkok. Everything about it is so good. The sauces are uber tasty.
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Just a random little doll someone had put outside an apartment on my way home.
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Lunch: Mmmm Lamb Rump and Tofu
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Mara: The best thing to sleep with.
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There's this tiger farm in Thailand not far from Bangkok, where piglets and tiger cubs are raised together. And this is what you get, lil piglets sleeping on a mother tiger. Notice how they've dressed the piglets up in the tiger vests. hehe.

A cub sleeping on top of piglets

Tiger cubs drinking from a mother pig's teats
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As you can you see, Pie and I have been going a lil crazy over DVDs lately. Well, may be just me. To add to the rapidly growing collection;
Iron Monkey: Action packed traditional Chinese Kung Fu movie with funny bits. And Donnie Yen is always a plus.
Peanuts I & II boxsets: Kinda grew up watching Snoopy. Mother's special request.
Little Britain Complete Third Season: One of my favourite comedies. The new characters are getting more and more disgusting. And there's that Thai ladyboy, Ting Tong (or is it Tong Ting?)
The NeverEnding Story Trilogy boxset: Probably the first proper fantasy movie I watched. Gets me a lil nostalgic.
Pink Panther The First Season: I think the best thing about Pink Panther is the music.
Dragon Tiger Gate: Corny..Very Corny. But good fighting scenes. Of course, it's Donnie Yen.
The Adventure of TinTin: For the last time, Dom, TinTin is NOT homosexual, alright?
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Our house seems blessed with weird strawberries.
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And finally, dinner: Roast Turkey (Potato popcorns are great)
I say right foot - it's way cool!
What with all the space invader icons everywhere? What was the rioting about?
haha ive seen those tractor/farmers protesting before.
hilarious seeing that in the city
u crushed Mara's head!
1. Woven wins, hands down.
2. I can't believe you still fit in your BPS P.E. shorts. I hate you.
3. Your Thai food is making me hungry, even though I am sickly full right now.
4. I plan to show everyone the tiger vest wearing pigs.
5. You have Tin Tin dvds. I hate you to the power of two.
i liked the right one you are wearing.
when you coming home, will you bring along some of those dvd. i;ll want to watch tin tin.
and listen to the captain's swearings.
MMkkk, Michele. Right foot it is then.
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Nabeel, check this for the space invader thing:
The rioting was pretty much about the trouble the farmers here have been having because of the drought and they're kinda taking it out on this politician. Nothing new.
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Asha, it's ok. I love BPS PE shorts. So comfy. May be I'll go to the schoolshop to see P'Duang and buy more hahaha. You should come.
Come over if you get to be in BKK this holiday and we'll watch Tin Tin :)
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Dad, you just wanna hear Captain Haddock say 'blistering barnacles' yea? I'm gonna bring a few DVDs back to keep at home in BKK anyways. Mom wants a few things.
Jet, don't worry, I even have my uniform from back in the day when I was in Y4! All checkers and purple!
Ling Chih! Does it still fit you?
Jet, Tintin hangs around with a dog, has an old Captain and a Professor for friends oh not to forget Chang (boyfriend perhaps!!??), has a boy George haircut, does not associate with any women his age or any women period (Castafiore excepted)....
yeeahh 'nuf said I reckon.
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