As some of you may already know I've been working as Dr. Cooney's research assistant at uni (yea, teacher's pet or whatever you wanna call it), one of the more frequent questions regarding the matter I've been getting is 'What exactly do you do for your lecturer, Jet?'. Well, I appreciate everyone's interest in what I do for work and would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on what actually goes on behind the office door, as to supplement my usually short and perhaps, inadequate response to the fore-mentioned question.
In general, I do whatever z boss would like me to (get your mind out of the gutter). The main project that I'm helping him with at the moment has been running for a couple of months. Initially, 5,000 questionnaires were dispatched to organizations across different industries, to find out more about the current techniques and frameworks used for teamworking. Around 500 came back, which is actually enough to keep me busy for the next few weeks, as they need processing.

As for what exactly needs to be done to process and analyze these returned questionnaires I should probably omit, as I wish not to bore you too much. But vaguely, I have to go through each question from each of the questionnaires and code them before the response to each question can be enter into a database, which will need to be constructed in the near future. After that, the statistical analysis itself is pretty much executed on a software called the SPSS.
As boring as it may sound, I actually enjoy coming in to work everyday. I think the best thing about it is the peaceful working environment, not to mention other really friendly staff. Academics and lecturers suddenly become so much more approachable outside the lecture theaters. Despite everyone having their own office, all seems to have adopted the open door policy (literally), which adds to the overall benevolentness. And above all, I get to listen to my iRiver all day long :)
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Z Boss

The Corridor: One of my favourite places at the office
My lunchbox: Cake's Sushi
interesting task, 5,000 questionaires sending out. i guess you may have half return. it will make you more busy, and if you have other factors(like time constraint), i;ll be more challenging you. your sushi box is small, is it all you have for lunch? ah you told me that you lowered your weight. i promise you with fine sushi in fuji restaurnat when coming home.
Good to know you are occupied Jet. Granted it will keep u busy but more $$$ = More DVD's!!
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