Sunday, October 08, 2006

Assignment Hibernation

For those of you, who are tired of opening my blog and seeing that same plate of tofu time after time, I'll be back with more non-sense rambling soon (anyways, I'm getting sick of tofu, too..been having a lil too much).

Just gotta get these assignments out of the way. I'm on hibernation in a comp lab at uni at the moment. Will be back on in like 2-3 days..

So til then, if you're bored, check some links under 'subliminal procrastination' or something.. or go entertain youself somehow...

I know, here's something for you guys to figure out meanwhile; 'What has 5 eyes, 4 ears, 9 legs and 6 arms and is purple and green.... and pink and goes "rrhhhwwwwaawwaaaaaarhhbbbaaaa *pause* bababububaaddadaaaaaaaaaa boo boo gagagaaa'. I'll be back with the answer after Wednesday..

Til then~~


Nabil Latif said...

man, i dont know the answer to this one. 5 eyes? six legs? let me hit back space i forgot the description...

nope still dont know.

ill take a guess and say a wobbly fanny packer

Nabil Latif said...

haha but i do the same thing when i'm supposed to be writing an assignment.

by the time my assignment is done, i would have thought of a dozen comic book characters, downloaded a few new albums, came up some nicknames for myself.

assignment becomes a background thing haha.

the only minute is the last minute man

you know why i'm writing so many comments? yeh i'm working on my assignment too

Subliminal Transmission said...

are you crazy? the description is far from anything being a Wobbly Fanny Packer.. I'm disappointed in you, Nabil.

Nabil Latif said...

im sorry

it was just on my mind at the time

Anonymous said...

4th greeting
should succeed this time. hahah.

Subliminal Transmission said...

Welcome, dad.. Good to see you succeeded in posting a comment :)