Why do I do these things? What would any chicken have anything to do with a fruit smoothie?
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Anyways, so I have a little bit of a break before the next hibernation period; 'Phase 2-Exam Hibernation'. Managed to hand in the last two assignments without a major glitch, although they took a lot out of me. I think I experienced a near-death experience at one point, in front of the computer at uni. Everything just went white (or may be it was black)..my whole life flashed before my eyes... episodes of previous assignments and falling geckos (who have lost their suction) came back to haunt me. And then my assignment partner woke me up.+ + + + + + +
It's been a while since I first had a love at first sight with a car. Last one was probably with the 2000 S-Type. Now in 2006, the new Chrysler 300c series turns my head everytime. At first, I had been noticing it around and had been thinking it was a Bentley, and it didn't help that both Chrysler and Bentley logos have wings. But ok, they're not that similar. Then after a while, I started seeing too many of them to be a Bentley. So I looked at one upclose, and realised it was a Chrysler. Well, another car that hits the spot for me.

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Do you guys sometimes miss the cartoons or animes or whatever you used to watch when you were kids? I'm quite happy I found my childhood anime the other day at this Asian DVD shop. It's called 'Fist of the North Star'. Back when I was a kid, I would watch it dubbed in Thai every week on TV. This Jap anime series first came out in 1983, the year I was born. Last week I found out there's a remake with 3D-CGI, and was on a mission to have the DVDs in my possession.
The main character, Kenshiro was once my hero when I was little. I wanted to throw punches so fast you can't see my fists. Or make anything explode with a touch of my finger tip. But now I don't know why I would wanna do any of that. Other than may be if I wanted to make mashed potato or something.
Today's kickboxing was intense but I had a lot of fun as usual. My trainer stayed on to train himself after my session so I decided to join him. Whoh.. let's just say now my arms and legs feel like they're falling off. And when I cough, my obliques feel like they're gonna tear. It'd be interesting trying to get out of bed tomorrow morning. Better go to bed now..The main character, Kenshiro was once my hero when I was little. I wanted to throw punches so fast you can't see my fists. Or make anything explode with a touch of my finger tip. But now I don't know why I would wanna do any of that. Other than may be if I wanted to make mashed potato or something.
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Had my hair coloured yesterday. Turned out better than I had expected. I like it :)
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Goodnight, Y'all...
You're learning Muay Thai? That's frickin awesome! I must admit I love muay thai mostly because of Tony Jaa but I've always thought it is a cool martial arts to learn.
What's your hair look like?? I want to see!
Hey Nabeel..Yea Tony Jaa's got some crazy moves. It's almost like a Muay Thai + Capoeira. But yea I'm having a lota fun doing it.
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Hello Michele! My hair is nothing drastic. Hopefully I'll get to see you sometime next week if I have time to experiment that fried century egg dish :)
the 300c is aiight...my friends got one...will send u pics. over here its pretty good value for money as well
Yea I reckon it's got the look up there with the S class, the XJ, and the 7 series, while still easy on the pocket. you know..
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