To be honest, as much as we really wanted the puppy, our previous pet had kinda put us off the idea of having a pet for a while. That barking cat (Hippo) was possessed. I think among the weird pets we've had, Hippo was the weirdest. But that's another story all together.

When we came back to the shop after a few hours, that brown blob was jerking back and forth in the crate, trying to throw up. Apparently, she had been eating too much, non

The baby pug, then, became Maliwan Somsuphangsri, or Mali for short. I remember Mali had this baby smell, which we thought was really cute. We got this wooden pen for her (a pet containment pen, Mali couldn't write), which worked out to give way too much space for her at the time, but everyone knows how fast puppies grow.
I remember an incident, where Mali got her head stuck in between the wooden columns of her pen, as she was squeaking for help.. HELPP HELLP EAKK EAAKK HELLPP!! At first I really didn't know what to do because if you could imagine, pugs already have bulging eyes, Mali's eyeballs were extra bulgy, and I knew if I was to

Dad had been on a business trip overseas during Mali's first few days at home. I remember it was funny how when he came back from the trip, saw Mali on the floor and was wondering to himself what kind of creature we had brought home. Dad grew to love Mali like we all did.
Right this moment, she must be either sleeping or thinking to herself when Cake, Pie and I will be back to see her again. Soon, Mali. Soon....
Ohhh >_< so sweet.. found it too touching ah T_T makes me miss her even more... wish we could turn her back into that lil brown blob for a while >_< was soo cute
hehe yea.. it's ok. we'll get to see her soon :)
you had a barking cat named hippo? hahaha
yea.. used to run on walls and shit too.
maliwan? All this time I've been calling her mali as if that was her name...ok. not that bad a mistake i suppose.
I wanna do a wannabe intro post too...but alas...i can't bo bothered.
*bring her to melbourne then she can "hang" with mini, chloe, and meow!
hehe yea Maliwan is her full name. I dont think she'll make it through the quarantine, tho. She's prone to skin problems.
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